Tuesday 8 June 2010

IPA Creative Summer School 2010...

Do you like writing? Advertising? Read on...

If you'd like to get into the Advertising business, there's few better ways in than the IPA Summer School. The deadline for it closes on the 14th of June.

Find out more here, or read on:

"There was a time when, if you wanted to be a creative in the advertising industry, you could walk into an agency and ask to take a Copy Test. You'd have been shown to a room the size of a broom cupboard, given a pencil, some paper, a seemingly strange set of questions, and an hour to compose your answers .

For the agency, it was an opportunity to find new talent. For you, the chance to get a job.

In recent years the Copy Test has faded away, deemed unnecessary in a world of advertising degrees and media studies courses, etc.

But the very reason for having a Copy Test is more relevant than ever. An industry that thrives on diversity needs to draw people in from a greater variety of backgrounds and interests.

Might that be you?

It may be that you haven't yet considered a career in creative writing in the communications industry. Or it may be that you just didn't know how to go about it.

In either case, the 2010 IPA Copy and Creative Test is your chance to impress - and to win one of a number of highly sought after agency placements along with entry to the IPA Creative Summer School."

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